Wellington Evangelical Chapel take safeguarding seriously and work with local and national organisations to help us to do all we can to keep everyone safe. We fulfill all our legal duties to protect both children and Adults at Risk of Abuse, but we aim to go above and beyond and to discharge our safeguarding duties in a way that is biblically faithful and pleasing to our loving Heavenly Father.
We as a church wish to stand against any misuse of power, abuse, or exploitation. We all have a responsibility to care for and protect each member of our church community, but particularly those who are weaker or more vulnerable. All our children’s workers and helpers have a current DBS and taken part in safeguarding training.
We commit to speaking to you openly and honestly if we have any concerns that you may need to know about.
If you have any concerns about the way that you, or anyone else has been treated, please contact our
Safeguarding Lead , Sharon Roberts
Or deputy, Sally Backhouse